Monthly Archives: October 2018

As bidding closes, Amazon’s cloud is the favorite to win a $10 billion defense deal. Here’s why everybody else is so mad about it

The deadline for bids on a $10 billion cloud computing contract from the Department of Defense closes on Friday. The deal won’t be officially awarded until April 2019, but the process has already drawn plenty of controversy since the bidding process officially began in July. The deal, called the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, […]

Google drops out of contention for a $10 billion defense contract because it could conflict with its corporate values

Google dropped out of the competition for a crucial Pentagon cloud computing contract valued at over $10 billion, the company confirms with Business Insider. The news, which was originally reported by Bloomberg, comes on the same day that the search giant announced the shutdown of the Google+ social network, in the wake of reports of a major […]